Mouthguards Croydon

A mouthguard is a protective dental device worn to protect the teeth from injury resulting from playing sports or teeth grinding. Most mouthguards are made with soft plastic or laminate materials. They also protect the tongue, lips and cheeks. Mouthguards also reduce snoring and help people experiencing sleep apnoea.

Who should wear mouth guards?

Adults and children who play sports like basketball, boxing, soccer, lacrosse and hockey should use mouth guards. If you also engage in recreational activities and non-contact sports, which has a risk of a mouth injury, you may want to consider mouth guards. Children and adults who experience bruxism (teeth grinding) at night should get a bite splint or palate to avoid damage to the teeth.

What features do mouthguards have?

Mouths guards have the following features.

  • Odourless and tasteless
  • Ease of breathing and swallowing
  • Tight fit and comfortable
  • No speech obstruction

Can I use my mouth guard while using braces?

Yes, you can. If you experience a facial injury while wearing braces or any other fixed orthodontic appliance, it may damage your appliance. This makes it important for anyone wearing a fixed orthodontic device to use a well-fitted mouthguard. Your orthodontist may help you choose a suitable mouthguard.

Types of mouthguards

There are different types of mouthguards, and your dentist will recommend the best for you, depending on your needs for it.

  • Stock mouth protectors which usually come as ready to wear
  • Boil and bite mouth protectors
  • Custom-fitted mouth protectors

Caring for a mouthguard

To ensure your mouthguard lasts for a long time, you need to care for it properly. The following care tips should help your mouth last longer.

  • Rinse the mouthguard using cold water before and after you use it. Alternatively, you can use a toothbrush and mild soap to clean the mouth guard.
  • After you clean your mouthguard, rinse it thoroughly
  • Keep your mouthguard in a perforated container to allow proper circulation of air which helps to prevent damage
  • Always check your mouthguard before wearing it. If the mouth guard is loose or has holes, ensure that you replace it.
  • Do not let your mouth guard come in contact with hot water, hot surfaces, or direct sunlight to prevent distortion.
  • Ensure you have your mouthguard during your dental visits for the dentist to examine it for wear or tear.

How long does a mouthguard last?

Mouthguards need replacement after a certain period, but adults may not need to replace their mouthguards as often as children. However, they need to have it checked during their regular dental check-ups.

How much does a mouthguard cost?

The cost of mouthguards varies between dentists. To get the cost of a mouth guard at our dental practice, you will need to contact our dental team for an estimate.

If you want to get a mouthguard to avoid damage from teeth grinding or sports,
contact Addiscombe Dental Surgery on 020 8654 1580 or to book an appointment with our dentists or visit our Croydon dental office today.

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